PIVD Prolapsed Inter Vertebral Disc IVDP
PIVD-Prolapsed Inter Vertebral Disc-IVDP
PIVD or Prolapsed intervertebral disc is a common problem in modern days. Some times it is called IVDP. It take place at any level in-between two vertebrae of the spine or back bone. Mostly disc prolapse at low back and neck frequently seen and are matter of concern. PIVD leads to different diseases like lumbar spondylosis, disc herniation, slipped disc, disc bulging and sciatica. PIVD Prolapsed Inter Vertebral Disc IVDP
Astang Ayurveda a leading hospital in the field of traditional Ayurveda Panchakarma at Bhubaneswar. It provides ayurvedic treatment for back pain, PIVD-Prolapsed Inter Vertebral Disc-IVDP. Traditional approach to disease of spine, diagnosis, ayurveda panchakarma treatment, ayurvedic medicine, diet, nutrition and life style of back bone disease and prophylaxis is our regular practice.
- What is PIVD (Disc prolapse)? What happens in PIVD? What is the importance of Low Back?
- What causes PIVD? What are the signs and symptoms of PIVD?
- What is the treatment protocol of PIVD in Ayurveda?
- What is the opinion of Ayurveda and Modern Medicine on PIVD?
- How does Ayurveda Panchakarma prevents compression? What do we do at Astang Ayurveda?
What is the importance of Low Back?
- Low back is the site of strength that keeps the
- human being erect.
- Low back is the sight of Muladhara chakra (earth) , Swadhisthana Chakra (water), Manipura chakra (fire).
- Low back is the site of sacral nerve plexus.
- Low back is the site of Vayu (Vata). (Pakwashaya, kati, sakthi, srotrasthi sparshanendriyam)
- And Vayu is powerful, unlike kapha and pitta.
- Sciatica, the largest nerve is originated from the lumbar plexus.
PIVD Prolapsed Inter Vertebral Disc IVDP
PIVD is protrusion of pulpy inner material of an intervertebral disc through the fibrous outer coat causing pressure on adjoining nerve roots, ligaments etc.
PIVD-Prolapsed Inter Vertebral Disc-IVDP
Actually what happens in PIVD?
The spine or back bone is comprised of number of vertebrae which are placed over one another with support of inter vertebral disc. The disc is filled with a pulpy matter surrounded by a fibrous sheath. When the gap between two vertebrae is reduced due to some external or internal reason the inner matter is compressed and prolapsed at a soft part of the sheath. That causes pressure over the adjoining nerve roots and ligaments giving rise to pain, low back pain, sciatica pain, lumbar pain, lumbar spondylosis, stiffness, swelling, numbness, dysfunction, muscle wasting, burning sensation etc.
What Causes PIVD ?
The causes of disc compression can be divided into external and internal type. The external cause includes trauma which is a common feature in athletes, workers, porters, trekkers etc. The internal cause includes overweight, less toned (hypo toned) muscle, thin body, hyper function of back bone, abnormal growth in vertebral spine etc. — These situations may give rise to pathogeneses like Lumbar strain, Nerve irritation, Lumar radiculopathy, Bony encroachment etc. PIVD
PIVD causes Signs Symptoms
All reasons do have good solutions, and the absence of the reason will relieve the pain. But for PIVD (a common reason for LBA), no popular solution is available world wide other than spinal surgery and physiotherapy.
- Spinal surgery- The Risk is well known world wide.
- Physiotherapy- No medicine exercise is like exercise without food.
The total process may give rise to different phenomena called spinal cord compression, spinal stenosis, bulging, thecal sac compression, cauda equina syndrome, herniation, prolapse, protrusion etc.
What are the Signs and Symptoms of PIVD?
The patient may complain of pain in low back or hip that radiates to leg (up to the ankle joint) through the sciatic nerve. This is called sciatic pain. The patient may experience following things:
- Numbness
- Loss of sensation
- Tingling pain in the leg & foot
- Pain increasing with walking, decreasing at night & temporarily relieve by bed rest
- Muscles weakness
- Trunk tilted towards or away from affected side
- Paraspinal muscle spasm
- Extremities sensory aberrations, parasthesia & numbness etc.
What is the PIVD Treatment Protocol?
PIVD Treatment Protocol starts with consultation, patient examination and disease diagnosis. PIVD Treatment in Ayurveda includes herbal medicine, panchakarma treatment etc. The objective is to prevent the recurrence of the disease followed by a cure. Bed rest is advised to align the vertebral column and minimize manipulation to recreate (samsarjana) the tone of muscles and ligaments after every treatment.
Objective of the treatment is just not to manage the disease but to conserve the good health of the spine, ligaments and tendons. The most important fact is that the no surgery spine treatment gives the back pain patient a safe relief. Through whole body treatment, Ayurveda handles the patient not the disease. Localized treatment is advised to subside the signs and symptoms. Virechana, Basti are the most important treatments to manage PIVD. To treat the patient Ayurveda suggest modification of food habit, lifestyle and Agni the digestive power.
PIVD Treatment Protocol
PIVD Treatment Protocol helps conserve the natural body structure. It helps prevent spine surgery. Spine surgery is not always successful. And also spine surgery interrupts the continuation of the muscles, tendons and ligaments. PIVD Treatment Protocol prevents sciatica, spondylitis, low back pain. It tones the muscles. It pacifies the nerve irritation. PIVD treatment in Bhubaneswar
A failure case of Spine Surgery for PIVD
This is an example of many cases where the spine surgery is failed to give a relief from PIVD. There is recurrence of pain and other complications for which the patient underwent spine surgery twice. PIVD Treatment in Ayurveda
Why should the PIVD patient avoid Spinal surgery?
Spinal surgery may remove the herniated part of the disc over the spinal cord. But it does nothing to tone up the muscles, nerves, ligaments. Say, spinal surgery may remove compression from the spinal cord, but it does nothing to prevent the process of compression of vertebral column.
PIVD Ayurveda Modern Medicine Opinion
What maximum a PIVD patient can be benefited from Modern medical science?
- Modern medical science suggests
- Pain killer,
- Muscle relaxant,
- Calcium,
- Vitamin B12,
- Bed rest,
- Exercise PIVD-Ayurveda-Modern Medicine Opinion
- And finally neurosurgery to remove the herniated part which is not free from risk.
How does Ayurveda address the problem of PIVD?
Ayurveda understands, the herniation or prolapse or protrusion of inter vertebral disc takes place due to compression of vertebrae. Compression takes place either due to trauma (due to external factors e.g. accident) or loss of tonicity of muscle, ligaments, nerves etc. Loss of tonicity of lumbar muscles, ligaments and tendons cannot be conserved with medicines only.
Ayurveda Panchakarma treatment for PIVD, Physiotherapy, Ayurveda Medicine and Bed rest can do wonder. Ayurveda believes to treat the patient first. That is why it goes for the whole body treatment. As a result the total immune system is mobilized towards the site of injury. The local treatment encases the opportunity and helps heal the injury. Simultaneously it tones the muscle. That prevents the further compression. Ayurvedic PIVD treatment is an assured gift by the God.
Modern medicine say the prolapsed mass invades the spinal nerve causing a blockage in nerve conduction. Ayurveda says the kapha (the IVD fluid) covers (invades) the Vata (the spinal nerve). It blocks the movement of vata (blocks the nerve conduction) causing pain (cutting/ cramping/ tingling/ stretching pain), dysfunction of body parts. PIVD-Ayurveda-Modern Medicine Opinion is helpful. Ayurveda and modern medicine agree at a point regarding the cause and pathogenesis. But Ayurveda is a step ahead regarding the treatment and management of PIVD.