Uric Acid

Uric Acid

Natural Ways to Reduce Uric Acid in the Body

Uric acid is a natural waste product from the digestion of foods that contain purines. Purines are found in high levels in some foods such as:

  • certain meats
  • sardines
  • dried beans
  • beer

Purines are also formed and broken down in your body. Normally, your body filters out uric acid through your kidneys and in urine. If you consume too much purine in your diet, or if your body can’t get rid of this by-product fast enough, uric acid can build up in your blood.

A high uric acid level is known as hyperuricemia. This can lead to a disease called gout that causes painful joints that accumulate urate crystals. It can also make your blood and urine too acidic. Uric acid can collect in your body for many reasons. Some of these are:

  • diet
  • genetics
  • obesity or being overweight
  • stress

Certain health disorders can also lead to high uric acid levels:

  • kidney disease
  • diabetes mellitus
  • hypothyroidism
  • some types of cancers or chemotherapy
  • psoriasis

Read on to learn how you can lower uric acid levels in your body naturally.

Limit Purine-Rich Foods

You can limit the source of uric acid in your diet. Purine-rich foods include some types of meat, seafood, and vegetables. All of these foods give off uric acid when they’re digested. Avoid or reduce your intake of foods such as:

  • organ meats
  • pork
  • turkey
  • fish and shellfish
  • scallops
  • mutton
  • veal
  • cauliflower
  • green peas
  • dried beans
  • mushrooms

Avoid Sugar

Sugary foods

While uric acid is usually linked to protein-rich foods, recent studies show that sugar may also be a potential cause. Added sugars to food include table sugar, corn syrup, and high fructose corn syrup, among others. The sugar fructose is a main type of simple sugar in processed and refined foods. Researchers have found that this type of sugar in particular could lead to high levels of uric acid.

Check food labels for added sugars. Eating more whole foods and fewer refined packaged foods can also help you cut out sugars while allowing you to intake a more wholesome diet.

Sugary beverages

Sugary drinks, soda, and even fresh fruit juices are concentrated with fructose and glucose-containing sugar. You’ll also want to keep in mind that high-fructose corn syrup contains a mix of fructose and glucose, usually with 55 percent fructose and 42 percent glucose. This is similar to the ratio of 50 percent fructose and 50 percent glucose in table sugar.

Fructose from refined sugar in juice or other foods is absorbed faster than sugar from foods that have a natural makeup that need to be broken down in your body. The faster absorption of refined sugars spikes your blood sugar levels and also leads to higher amounts of uric acid. Replace sugary drinks with filtered water and fiber-rich smoothies.

Drink more water

Drinking plenty of fluids helps your kidneys flush out uric acid faster. Keep a water bottle with you at all times. Set an alarm every hour to remind you to take a few sips.

Avoid Alcohol

Drinking alcohol can make you more dehydrated. It can also trigger high uric acid levels. This happens because your kidneys must first filter out products that occur in the blood due to alcohol instead of uric acid and other wastes.

Some types of alcoholic drinks such as beer are also high in purines.

Lose aweight

Along with your diet, extra pounds can raise uric acid levels. Fat cells make more uric acid than muscle cells. Additionally, carrying extra pounds makes it harder for your kidneys to filter out uric acid. Losing weight too quickly can also affect levels.

If you’re overweight, it’s best to avoid fad diets and crash dieting. Talk to a nutritionist about a healthy diet and weight loss plan that you can follow. Your doctor can recommend a healthy weight goal for your body type.

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Balance Insulin Levels

Have your blood sugar level checked when you visit your doctor. This is important even if you don’t have diabetes mellitus.

Adults with type 2 diabetes may have too much insulin in their bloodstream. This hormone is necessary to move sugar from your blood into your cells where it can power every bodily function. However, too much insulin leads to excess uric acid in the body, as well as weight gain.

Individuals with a condition called prediabetes may also have high insulin levels and a higher risk for type 2 diabetes.

Your doctor may want to check your serum insulin level in addition to your blood glucose level if insulin resistance is suspected.